Ast1040 Planetarium Information
The best way to see how all the coordinates appear on the sky and how things move about is in a planetarium. Seeing it on the dome will really help you get your head around much of the stuff in the first three chapters. So, there will be five different times when you can come to the planetarium to see this in a custom presentation for this class. All five shows will be the same: you just have to attend one of them: there are so many different times available to help accommodate the large number of students in the class, and to help find a time when you don't have another class or work or something scheduled.
Times for a planetarium show for this class are:
4pm Th 7 Sep
6pm Th 7 Sep
4pm Fr 8 Sep
5pm Th 14 Sep
Going to one of these sessions is a required part of class: there will be a signup sheet at the planetarium to let me know you have done so. If absolutely none of these times work for you, then you're missing out on something that will really help you understand the first few chapters, a makeup assignment is available. You could go to a standard public planetarium show later in the semester (see the planetarium website for a schedule), but would have to write a report about it: explain what was going on in the show and how that relates to what's in class. Contact me if this is the only way you can make it work.
Where is the planetarium? Continue down the hall past where our class is, and you'll enter Marshall W. Alworth Hall (which is where my office is). Go down one floor, and keep walking in the “away from the library” direction. You'll quickly end up in the planetarium lobby, complete with astronomy posters and a large telescope poking up through the ceiling. The planetarium entrance is to the right.