Phys 2012 Useful Links
Links will be added here as they are mentioned in class.
The textbook's webpage.
Extra problems to work for practice, with solutions.
About the Sapling Learning online homework.
How to trick the physics web servers into thinking you are on campus when you're really at home
Physics department Help Session Schedule
UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) with the Physics Dept.
Walter Lewin's lectures, from MIT
Simulations of stuff, mostly from the textbook's website:
A simulation of the electric field of a point charge
A simulation showing charges reaching electrostatic equilibrium and concentrating on the pointy bits.
Electric field lines and equipotential surfaces for one or two charges
Electric potential and work on a line integral
Series and parallel circuits
Light Bulb circuit
Multi-loop circuit
RC circuit
Motion of a charge in a magnetic field
Magnetic field from a current loop
Magnetic field from a long straight wire
Magnetic field from a solenoid.
Faraday's induction experiments.
Variations on compass headings (aimed at pilots)
Compute your geomagnetic variation
An interactive map of the magnetic north pole
A java virtual experiment to show the Doppler effect.
A bunch more virtual experiments, including how a DC motor and a generator work.
An animation of how refraction works, and another.
Total internal reflection. Applications to optical fiber, diamonds.
Superposition of waves, one animation and another, and a nice slow motion one.
Diffraction stuff around some differently shaped edges. about how it works.
An online interactive periodic table of the elements.
MIT video of light moving at a trillion fps.