7Physics 2033 Assignments and Reading
Date |
Assignment |
Tue Jan 16 |
Assignments are listed on their due dates. Please read the assigned readings in advance. You wouldn't try to go to a literature class if you hadn't yet read the Shakespeare play under discussion that day, the same applies here! (but no, these classes are hardly Shakespearean in quality)
Start work on Geiger Counter lab. |
Tue Jan 23 |
Read Preston & Dietz, Chapter #1 (through page 28). Follow along with the exercises, mostly don't have to turn them in - except do do and turn in Exercise #1 on page 11. You can use a calculator (as suggested) or a spreadsheet to do this. Or write a program if that's easier for you. Explain what you're doing, especially if you use a spreadsheet, since those can be opaque. |
Tue Jan 30 |
No actual class, prof @ CERN. Useful link to a web gaussian calculator. |
Tue Feb 06 |
Geiger Counter Lab due.
Electron charge to mass ratio and photoelectric labs will be set up: do one for the next 2-3 weeks, and then the other. |
Tue Feb 13 |
Read Ch.5 in Bevington (Monte Carlo stuff)
For e/m lab: read §3-1 of Tipler & Llewellyn. Get good at that “circular motion in a B-field part of Phys 2015.”
For p.e. effect lab: read §3-3 of T&L. Pay close attention to that the classical model would predict for this experiment, vs. what the quantum model predicts. Your lab here is testing these two hypotheses against your data: which one works best and why? |
Tue Feb 20 |
Read Ch.6 in Bevington – fitting straight lines. Also Preston & Dietz pp.23-28 Monte Carlo HW due. |
Tue Feb 27 |
First of {p/e .OR. e/m} labs due |
Tue Mar 06 |
Thu Mar 15 |
Prof travel on Tuesday, so this class is Thursday Second of {p/e .OR. e/m} labs due |