Physics 5090
Spring 2012
Friday 11:00-11:50 HH 216
Instructor: Alec Habig
Office: MWAH 374
Office Hours:9:00-10:00F
(or by appointment)
Telephone: 726-7214
Text: No textbook has been assigned for this class. Readings will be handed out or assigned from the library and internet.
Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to provide experience and practice in important parts of how you be a physicist: in contrast to most of your courses which are (naturally) about the physics itself. This class is a seminar class: that is, an interactive discussion mode not a lecture. You yourself and the other students will be in the spotlight much more than the professor. You will be making several presentations to the class. Presentations may involve topics assigned by the instructor from standard topics in the physics curriculum or from current events in physics and topics selected by the student. 1 credit corresponds to 3-4 hours of effort per week on average.
The topics to be covered include the following:
Scientific writing: papers, proposals, reviews, etc.
Accessing and reading physics as presented in journals
Presentations: informal “chalk talks” as well as more formal computer-based presentations and posters
Ethical issues, including professional responsibilities in the conduct and communication of research research
Grading: It is anticipated that course grades will be based on:
Participation in discussions of assigned readings and topics, questions asked, and oral and written feedback of presentations made by others (1/3);
Assigned exercises and formal presentations, including evidence of background research, organization and preparation of supporting presentation materials (2/3).
Since the course is a seminar course, class attendance and participation is essential.
The final exam period is scheduled for 10:00-11:55 on Wednesday, May 9. While the format of this class doesn't lend itself to a traditional final exam, this time will be used for completing students' talks if it is needed.
Note on disabilities: Individuals who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in this class are encouraged to inform the instructor at the start of the semester. Adaptation of methods, materials, or testing may be made as possible to provide for equitable participation.
Standard UMD academic policies: are in force and described online at