Phys 5561 Useful Links
Generally Useful Links. Starting off with ones which were Useful the last time the class was taught, it will evolve as this semester goes on.
The textbook's webpage.
HEASARC - High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, home of the High Energy Astrophysics Picture of the Week.
Earth Observatory – lots of cool pictures of Earth from space.
Sky and Telescope Magazine.
Astronomy Magazine.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics online.
Windows to the Universe site - gobs of astronomical information.
The Universe Today – space and astronomy news. – a lot of good, up to date solar system info.
Astronomical Image Library – a search engine for astro pictures.
Quicktime animation of binary stars in orbit.
A good lecture on Color Index.
How the radiation pressure light mill really works.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the SkyServer where you can get data, and a huge Grid Computing project for analyzing the data.
Solar neutrinos: John Bahcall's home page. He was a leading theorist on the subject, and has a number of good articles in the "Solar Neutrinos" tab to the left of the page. The spectrum of nus is on the front page.
A picture of the sun as seen in neutrinos by Super-K.
The MINOS project.
The Soudan Mine Underground Lab.
The CDMS experiment.
The Really Big Solar Flare of 2 April 2001.
The Really Big Solar Flare of 29 October 2003
The SOHO mission home page.
The current space weather.
A new solar observatory makes some great new Sun pictures.
The cosmology powerpoint.
The Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect, an explanation showing what effect contributes what power to the spherical harmonic power diagram.
A Dark Energy article from Physics Web.
A great Cosmology Tutorial.
With an associated Cosmological Parameter Calculator.
Tom Jordan's “cosmology almost without general relativity” article.