The primary league night is Fridays at the store, as many players are around playing Warhammer. Sundays also seem to be a good bet to find coaches at gaming tables. Play whenever you and an opponent can, and send the results to the commish (see below for game tickets). New players and teams always welcome!
Tom Maertz's Chaos Dwarves
Won the Spike! Magazine cup, held May 27 & 30, 2007, after the league's inaugural first 13 game season, beating Weaselicity in the Championship game
The Master League Spreadsheet in .xls format
The same in html, unfortunately it only displays in IE. Here's a .pdf of the same. The things it keeps track of for us include:
Overall Standings
Team Rosters (the rosters print out especially nicely from the .pdf, handy for in-game use)
League Leaders (individual and team stats)
The results of the first season, in .xls, html, and pdf formats.
Teams are either a "Rookie" team or a "Pro" team
To ensure that there are teams of all levels available to play, so new players/teams can still have fun
Rookies and Pros may play each other if they want to, but Rookies can refuse a challenge from a Pro team with no penalty
Pro Teams:
have played more than 13 games (including regular season and playoffs)
Are eligible for Pro tournaments
The current Pro List is:
Cage Match
The Breeze
Ground Pounders
Rookie Teams:
Have played 13 or fewer games. All teams not listed above as Pro are Rookies.
Are eligible for Rookie tournaments
Started May 2009, will run through the fall sometime
The first season ran from March 21 to May 27, 2007
A team can play at most 13 games during the regular season to qualify for the tournament (see above for Rookie/Pro definitions!)
That's a game or two a week, a prime number, and a lucky/unlucky one as well
Two teams can play each other no more than three times in a season. That let's you do a best 2 of 3 series, but doesn't let a particularly cheesy matchup get exploited badly.
The tournament will be seeded by your regular season standings. Those standings are computed as 5 points for a win, 2 for a tie, 1 for a loss - this is the sort order on the "standings" section of the league spreadsheet.
Take a look at the league rules in the rulebook to see how your team earns experience and money over time
New Teams: There are three tournament legal teams which aren't in the LRB 5 rules we will use but which will be in LRB 6 (out officially this fall). They are the Slaan, Chaos Pact, and Underworld teams, and can be found here. For completeness, here's a link to the LRB 6 version of the new teams.
Help for Stunties: Halfling teams can induce a Halfling Chef for only 50k, Goblin teams can induce Bribes for only 50k (stolen from LRB6, to try and entice someone to play one of these fun but hopeless teams)
Arguing the Call: A head coach can argue the call. If one of your players is sent off by the ref for any reason, you may choose to argue about it. Roll a d6. On a one, the head coach is also booted! On a six, the ref has been intimidated, and the offending player may play on.
If your head coach is booted, no more arguing the rest of the game, any assistant coaches you might have left are too timid to do so after this display of firm refereeing.
If you've got no assistants, your team is adrift and confused, so you can't win any Brilliant Coaching kickoff result roll-offs since your Brilliant Coach is off in the showers. If you've got assistants to take over the reins you can still roll, but at an additional -1 modifier.
Star Players: If you really want to pay the price (and keep around a SPP sponge), you may hire a Star Player permanently to your roster, rather than just being able to induce them one match at a time. In the league roster spreadsheet, this is shown in the Induced Player section for ease of record-keeping.
Stars are unique. While more than one team can hire the same star, this just means that he's moonlighting and playing for both teams. If the same star is employed by both sides in a match, he sits that match out and neither side has his services that game. However, the Star can be influenced to play by cold hard cash - the teams can offer extra money (from inducement gold or petty cash) to sway him to play that match for their team. Minimum bid - 1/2 his normal hiring cost. Highest bid gets his services for that game.
As per the Star Player rules, they come equipped with their own personal Super-Apothecaries. Your team's own Apothecary can't be used on a star. Miss next game results mean he doesn't play on your next game (he earned a day off), but says nothing about his job on somebody else's team. Stat decreases don't apply. Killed means he was roughed up enough to terminate his contract with your team, although you could re-hire him later.
MVPs: Since it's more fun to develop your team this way, this season each team can pick the player on their team who gets the MVP, rather than rolling for it.
Special Play Cards: Since these are a lot of fun, everyone gets some each game as follows:
EACH team receives 100,000 gold to be used at the beginning of each match to purchase any Special Play Card they want. They may combine treasury or inducement gold to purchase a better card if desired (example you can use 100,000 of inducement gold + the free 100,000 gold for cards to draw one 200,000 gold card. However, the 100,000 gold that each team receives free cannot be used for any other inducement type other than Special Play Cards.
Special Play Cards can also be purchased with inducement or treasury cash. Remember the total number of Special Play Cards any team can have is a total of 5.
Bounties: If you really want to see some player dead, you can add some motivation to your fellow coaches to help out by offering a bounty. You may establish a pot of gold to be given to the team which kills the poor sod, to be held in escrow by the commish. Anyone can also contribute more gold to that pot at any time (minimum donation: 10k). Bounties are public information and will be posted on this website. "Wanted: Dead or Really Dead!"
The online Blood Bowl Living Rulebook, v5 (in .pdf)
Game result tickets to write down what happened in your match, so the league standings and statistics can be updated
An Handy Reference Sheet with updated tables to use during a game
Pass-Blitz-Handoff-Foul cards. Handy cards to remind you if you did these actions already
Reroll sized Inducement Reminders. Great for those that forget because they don't have the minis
Inducement cards you can print out and stick in card sleeves, to make drawing them easier
The league spreadsheet being used to keep track of everything. The "team" tabs are also great design tools for your team!
Or, if you want just a spreadsheet for your team alone, here's one and here's another.
Sites I've sponged material from:
Specialist Games, the copyright owners and purveyors of official miniatures
Impact Minis, home of many great football-themed non-GW figures and accessories, also the home of, where one can order the individual GW minis which GW itself doesn't sell anymore (although, of course, please patronize our local stores for the team sets which they do carry!)
The Aros Blood Bowl League (game ticket, team spreadsheet, reference sheet)
Tim's Blood Bowl Pages (league tracking spreadsheet)
The CRUMBBL league from the Chicago Battle Bunker (no public website to link to)
The NAF website (governing body for BB tourneys etc), good forums and reference stuff
The forum, one of the more active online BB forums
The Blood Bowl Wikipedia entry (history, links)